804450 Bergquist Thermal Gap Pad, 19.9 x 19.9mm

Part Nnumber
Thermal Gap Pad, 19.9 x 19.9mm
Basic price
0,97 EUR

The product with part number 804450 (Thermal Gap Pad, 19.9 x 19.9mm) is from company Bergquist and distributed with basic unit price 0,97 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Dimensions19.9 x 19.9mm Length19.9mm Width19.9mm Product Details Bergquist Thermal Clad® Insulated Metal Substrate Bergquist Thermal Clad® thermally conductive insulated metal substrate (IMS) circuit boards are designed specifically for LED applications which then replace conventional FR-4 PCBs. Better thermal management allows more forward current to be applied to the LED, while still maintaining desired die temperatures, which means more light and possibly reducing the number of LEDs required to achieve the desired light output. With proper thermal management, Power LED lifetimes can be extended considerably. Typical applications include power conversion, heat-and-rail forming, motor relays, solid state relays and LED’s. Lower operating temperatureReduce printed circuit board sizeIncrease power densityExtend the life of diesReduce the number of interconnectsImprove product thermal and mechanical performanceCombine power and controlImprove product durabilityEnable better use of surface mount technologyReduce heat sinks and other mounting hardware including thermal interface materialReplace fragile ceramic substrates with greater mechanical durability Heatsinks for LEDs

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